If someone wishes to publish a book, he needs a real interest in the theme of his book, as well as the wish to broaden the circle of experts and people, who share his ideas. Gathering materials, making photographs, publishing on own account is a serious work, supported by the fascination with the subject of this work. The result of this efforts is the book, made by “Tobet Kazakhy It” foundation, devoted to primordial Kazakh dog breed. Connoisseurs of those grains of national uniqueness, which is still not devoured by globalization, can seek for this book in the bookstores.
If Tobet could tell about its lineage, his unhurried tale would include the elements of a beautiful legend and an eloquent parable and a description of everyday life. But genes speak for a speechless creature, the genes of one of the eldest companions of nomadic civilization. Peculiarities of this breed are such, that without a faithful Tobet, Kazakhst couldn’t imagine the tranquil flow of their everyday life. During the four thousands years, which these benevolent giants have spent abreast with humans on the earth of Kazakhstan, they learned to respect |
each other. And this calm respect is in blood of every true breed carrier. Tobet is a friend to human, not a servant. As regards Tobets “eloquence” – those, who are lucky to possess such a big and faithful “friend”, affirm that these dogs understand their masters better than some people do, due to the highest level of intuition and intellect. Well, sages, no matter what do they look like, have little love to idle talk – their deeds speak for them.
Daniyar Daukey, the owner of the nursery and the president of “Tobet Kazakhy It” foundation, knows probably everything about Kazakh wolfhounds, as these huge and beautiful dogs sometimes called. Daniyar considers himself as a bad storyteller, but his passion and wish to preserve the unique natural gene pool can outshine any verbosity. For example, how many people know that “alabay” is not the name of the breed, but an everyday expression, which can be roughly translated as “doggy”. Contrariwise, the etymology of the word “Tobet” is worthy of its carrier: “a dog, lying on an eminence, overhead guard”.
The favourite place of a pack leader – on the top of the mountain, at the foot of which a nomads’ camp is situated. Long long ago, as well as

nowadays though, Tobets were the only defence from the wolves’ for nomad shepherds. “Tobet, by its’ nature, cannot be frightened by wolf”. As soon as Tobet gives a voice, the protection to the herd is guaranteed.